Friday, February 2, 2018

I have to make a start(re-start)sometime.....its been a one and a half year absence on my blog.
Today is IMBOLC. The Celtic celebration for the passing through of the darkness of Winter into light...represented by the Celtic Triple Goddess Brigit(or Bride) of Ireland.
Brigit is patron Goddess of Imbolc, good harvests, healthy children and Women.
We may call upon her to protect and empower us at this magical time. The darkest days are over and Spring is greeted with dancing, flowers and simple pleasures.
Well...the flowers may be up in England (i did just check in with my Sister over there) but here in Canada we are in a big freeze again, though i did not let this stop me from performing my ritual celebration and feeling the joy and fire in my Goddess heart. The lighting of many candles signifying the Festival of lights and i pulled out my Brigit card from my Goddess oracle pack and felt instantly supported and warmed by her presence.
Such a lot has happened in the last of now i dont know how much will come forward as i continue my blogging journey but i feel ready to jump in after many false starts and self reprimands so we will see how it all unfolds.
I so dislike New Years Resolutions that i was determined to just 'fall into' a day, any day that inspired
me to connect again...the best time is the time that it feels right and not under any pressure to achieve.
So today is as good as fact its a magical day of joyful celebration and potency.
Happy Imbolc!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your efforts
    I believe there are many people who feel like I read this article!
    I hope you continue to have articles like this to share with everyone!
