Friday, April 11, 2014

CRAVINGS....There's a feeling that there is always something to pursue....and sometimes it is not presenting itself so clearly and I have to detect and locate the urge to actualise the feeling.....
often it just simply leads to my favourite coffee shop with Journal in hand and a vision of Chocolate Lava cake and decaf coffee(Mmmm ..I can already feel my reflexes kicking in!!)....anyway....more often it is the desire, compulsion to paint, layer, create, destroy.....and create again....and very often I find myself descending to the music studio in the basement to sing and dance and proclaim very loudly, my exisitance and my joy! That 'restless spirit' in me has always been there, and was, at one time, an irritation, a relentless discord and nothing could satisfy.....but I have grown into and integrated this necessity for 'excavation and expression' serves me well and saturates my life with colour, inspiration and experiences and people who fill me with Wonder!
Every day is a new opportunity for discovery and joy....and lessons...and questions...and although this past few months have certainly presented me with life-changing elements....I am filled with gratitude and would not change any of it......The journey is the journey!...I am happy to stand and wait at the 'bus-stops' of life and am finally not concerned with its destination......
Let it unfold and celebrate every twist and turn....


  1. Inspiring post! I wish you all things good as we move into this season of wondrous possibilities. x

  2. compelling art and concepts for focus!
