Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ahhhh!! Into the New Year already....goodbye to 2013...which brought with it many triumphs,surprises and personal discoveries....not least that it was time for me to ....slooooow it all down and take stock....and cultivate stillness and dare I say it?...silence. It came in a surprising turn of events...with a shocking thud....but I got it and am now turning my attention to myself...and to my purpose...when you aren' listening to the whispers of The Universe...they get VERY LOUD!
I am excited in a quiet way, to experience the mystery that life will present, at it's own pace, and am grateful for that and so much more.
I want this to be a year, a time, of trusting and being in the moment....allowing the magic to unfold and to embrace what ever that brings. Yes, we can design a life...we can rush out to meet it...but this often determines a stressful existence as we plot and plan and try to take control....I have learned we do not have control....we can only 'BE' in that moment....
So as I gently walk my is a cold, snowy one I bravely venture out into the unknown(The Winter for me)...walking, looking and listening as I have never done before, and finding joy and beauty in the simplest I is all there before us to be enjoyed if we stop the madness...just for a while.
With my creative impulses vying and jostling for attention...I start my day by asking....what would bring me the most joy?...and I start concern for the time, the end product or judgement....a tough task but I am up for it ....the rewards are magnificent!
I wish you all joy in simple things as we start this new venture....I'll be back!

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